Digital DataPro Academy

About Us

take advantage of our industry expertise, education, and dedication

Core Values

Welcome to Digital DataPro Academy, a pioneer in online education for data and AI, dedicated to molding the future leaders of the industry. Our meticulously curated courses cater to individuals fueled by a commitment to continuous learning and a quest for excellence in their domains. With a focus on dynamic, live, and interactive courses, we embrace the harmonious blend of academic knowledge and hands-on industry experience. Join us to embark on a transformative learning journey and elevate your skills to new heights. Our value include the followig

Scientific background

Our instructional team possesses a robust scientific foundation. Given that Data Science, Data Engineering, and Data Analysis are fundamentally scientific disciplines, we harness this scientific expertise to deliver a high-value program.

Industry experience

We understand the irreplaceable value of experience. In the realms of Data Science, Data Analysis, and Data Engineering, domain knowledge is paramount. Our commitment is to ensure that our instructors bring this expertise, guaranteeing a compelling storytelling aspect to the roles of data professionals.


We ensure our students connect with prominent companies. Our instructors hail from various well-known industries, leveraging their expertise for effective networking. Additionally, we collaborate with enterprises that may provide valuable support, such as internships or potential employment opportunities upon program completion.


Our instructors are here to support you not only during your training programs but also after, especially during your initial projects in your job. Furthermore, we offer an online platform where you can seek guidance on any topic, including specific projects—a form of 24/7 support.

Our permanent instructors



Modeste Kameni, Ph. D

Instructor for Data Science

Modeste Kameni is an Associate Researcher and Data Scientist  at Northern Arizona University’s School of Informatic Computer and Cyber Systems in USA. Specializing in Civil and Environmental Engineering, his research spans building simulation, optimization, environmental aspects, and climate change.

With a solid foundation in Sustainable Energy, Renewable Energy, and Environmental Impacts, Modeste is a seasoned data scientist, offering valuable insights into the energy sector. He has authored over 75 scientific papers in renowned peer-reviewed journals, showcasing his significant contributions to various disciplines.

Modeste’s career is marked by expertise in Zero Carbon initiatives, Energy Efficiency, Net-Zero Energy Neighborhoods, Green Mobility, Thermal Comfort, and Optimization. His diverse skills and extensive knowledge make him a distinguished professional bridging the gap between academia and industry.

Short Curriculum Vitae


Ph. D  in Physics
M. Sc. in   Data Science

M. Sc. in Renewable Energy

Detailed Education


Over 15 years of teaching experience and as Data Scientist

Detailed Experience

Participant Evaluation


Practical Projects



Dany Djeudeu, Ph. D

Instructor for Data Science and Academic Advisor

Dany Djeudeu is an accomplished statistician, data scientist, and AI expert with a decade of experience. He has honed his skills in developing sophisticated models for epidemiological studies and optimizing machine learning algorithms. Having worked with renowned organizations in the healthcare industry in Germany, including GKV-Spitzenverband, AOK, and DAK, Dany is recognized for his impactful contributions. His expertise extends to teaching, with over 10 years of experience in Mathematics, Statistics, and Data Science. Learners admire his solution-oriented approach and clear presentation style, making complex concepts accessible.

Short Curriculum Vitae


Ph. D  in Statistik
M. Sc. in  Statistik 

M. Sc. in Mathematik

Microsft Certified Azure Data Engineer

Microsoft Certified Power BI Data Analyst

Detailed Education


13 years of teaching experience and as Data Scientist

Detailed Experience

Participant Evaluation


What Sets Digital DataPro Academy Apart?
Theory with Practice

At Digital DataPro Academy, theoretical knowledge seamlessly blends with practical skills. We provide a unique mix of theory and hands-on experience to prepare you for success in the competitive world of data and AI. Translate theory into practice with real-world projects that reinforce your understanding and build a robust portfolio showcasing your practical skills to prospective employers.

Live Classes

Dive into a real-time learning experience with interactive live sessions in our courses. Engage with experienced instructors and like-minded peers, ask questions, and receive immediate feedback. This dynamic approach enriches your learning journey and ensures a profound understanding of complex concepts.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

Beyond education, Digital DataPro Academy is committed to sustainability. We believe that through high-quality training in data and AI, we can contribute to creating a more sustainable future. Our courses are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to make a positive impact in your field and contribute to a better world for all.

Join D. DataPro Academy and embark on a journey of knowledge, excellence, and a bright future in the world of data and AI.